
31 results

Demand for housing is on the rise

Demand for housing is on the rise

The housing market was active in the first quarter of the year, pushing property prices upwards

The elections are finally here, World Bank and the US criticize Bulgaria, tourism is down 70%

The elections are finally here, World Bank and the US criticize Bulgaria, tourism is down 70%

K Insights 02/04: the lockdown ends; how to buy something that doesn't have a price

Spy saga: Bulgaria’s "Cambridge Five" or just a smoke-mirror?

Spy saga: Bulgaria’s "Cambridge Five" or just a smoke-mirror?

The story of five members of the Bulgarian counterintelligence service have reached NATO, but it reveals more about the country’s unreformed institutions than Moscow’s spy efforts

The slow recovery of the real estate market

The slow recovery of the real estate market

Held back by COVID-19, now the market is springing back to action

The real estate market in Sofia shows first signs of recession

The real estate market in Sofia shows first signs of recession

Sales increased in 2019 but, on average, prices stagnated

Bulgaria’s residential market calms after years of growth

Bulgaria’s residential market calms after years of growth

Prices have stopped growing, as supply and demand have started to equalize

Is Bulgaria,s real estate market maturing or overheating?

Is Bulgaria,s real estate market maturing or overheating?

The growth in activity and prices has noticeably slowed but there are no indications of a drop

Fast Reads

Fast Reads

Summer of political scandals, CEZ and Nova Broadcasting Group, Crashed Company Register, Bus crash near Svoge

Who is who in the Bulgarian media?

Who is who in the Bulgarian media?

Outside of the two major television channels, almost all Bulgarian media companies are operating at a loss or generate very low profits

How much is turmoil in Turkey affecting Bulgaria’s economy?

How much is turmoil in Turkey affecting Bulgaria’s economy?

The rumours of Turkish businessmen fleeing to Bulgaria are overblown